There Will be an anual GLobal known Festival (bigger than Boom Festival) on the grounds of the
University (in the jungle) with payed entrance that will finance the Whole School Year!

Location: Equador
Equador is Ideal for a Free Thinking Univercity because it's legislation allows people to plant all kinds of plants, So the Students and researchers can freely pursue the creative use of psychedelics Allied with their Art, All kinds of creative ideas can Blossom Here!
An Artístical Research Paradise

Many Artists Will be Invited as Students, Temporary Researchers and Temporary Teachers , if they Love it they'll be welcome to play and exhibith their Art and Tech at the Anual Festival and to expose the research they've created during the school year.

From Musicians, Plastic
Artists, Entreperneurs ,
all kinds of Tech and Art Students will be invited there.

They will come from all the ceilings of this World for all kinds of breaktroughs in
their projects and lives.

Permaculture + Augmented High Tech

Willing students can Grab a Scouter and just go explore the surrounding jungle, the Scouter(GGlass) will tell them Usefull things according to their interests, like places to find certain plants, identify animals and plants and give recipes to take use plants with the right
dosage, from sacred medicine to a trivial cooking quest.

The Forest will be mapped 3D and colorfully,
They become Instant Druids and Zoologists, with complete information about the plants and animals living in the Area.it will also play Music and change it according to their mood, Identify
Researching events in the jungle and students that want to be found, Areas of