
See all Artists in ONE map.
Surf Many Maps, from OSTs to Samples to sounds of Nature.
Access Radio World and add songs to your playlist!
Teleport yourself from Songs to Discover new Music.
Check out folders with similar favorites for Hours of good music!
Dislike music so you never have to listen to a bad song again!
4 types of shuffle!
Maps are made of Dots that can correspond to an artist, a sound and or a song.
Listen to songs you have Neverlanded before!

Have all of the Artists of this world in your hands, in one single image.
You can import your songs from Spotify and Soundcloud or form your Devices with anAPI!
get access to private playlists
You can schedule a jam with your Favorite Artists and Friends!
Access Different Giant Planet like Maps like All Artists Map, Sounds of Nature, Animal
sounds (All animals, exctinct and existing) , Accent's Map, Movie sounds, Orgasm map,
and More..

Karma is gained so you can download songs from the
website, apply to be a moderator , earn random rewards according to your interests or the samples that you are interacting (a bunch of 70 bananas for a person who recorded most of the monkey species sounds with good quality), or according to the wishes that you want to recieve (I want a Custom Fender XPTO S3H, I want this sound system, I want a new Recording device) We will prioritize by Karma and first the recorders so
we can have decent samples on the website.

Trough body, facial and oral reckognition we can build an emotional portrait of you reacting to a relaxing song or a dancy one, an inpiring one, or a scary or surprising sample, and this is going to create a colorful painting of the song/sample in question in which you can use this same filters or different ones to search similar inspiring songs to your peers, or to the general population. Why is this Game changing?(big letters) Because you don't need to love songs anymore, there is a "rainbow" of lots of types of deeper
understanding of Love and other emotions that you can
use to map your favorite Sounds.It will defenitely
change the way we see Sounds!say , a
sample that got you dancing as your emotional
portrait as dance,which gets added to the overal
emotional portrait of the song.It's totally anonymous
and we don't collect the pics, only the general feeling
of a song.

Dive into your own taste to discover Unlimited possilities in Music!!
All the emotional portraits start to map music areas, the Songs that get people dancing, get people to sing, get people to imitate the song, or get them relaxed or form territories or maps in which the sound actually did something to the person,areas in which you can navigate if you have a premium account.Why is this gamechanging? Because you can visit maps and see the best songs that got most people dancing, or change the filter to search your target audience.Who knows what you will find out!?
You don't need to be stranded to our software to listen to your favorite music, you can download it with a click and take it everywhere on any device!
JUMP HIGHER , the very first Creatively inclined Online University , The world doesn't want you to play Mozart anymore, it gains more if you start at the base and create a new instrumental or rap template)in which you can learn music from YOUR FAVORITE SONGS!From the templates of your favorite songs(people upload lyrics and recordings to the templates )
Why is this game changing? Because you can Learn from your favorite songs chopped down to the basics and easily learn them by it's elements, and with a new incorporated technique form Boss Music School you can learn an instrument there in 3 months or less! Compared to 12 years of conservatory music school, it's a good average!Also the moderators will prepare the song for you at the most saucy part and identify the repeating parts, or the anthom, so you can easily navigate the song.Get access to all the MusicSchool tempates and ALL THE FEATURES OF THE WEBSITE.Learning trough templates and breaking down templates to their essencials, and incentivizing people not to play such complex partitures but to look at similar templates that make sense together and inspiring you to jump to other Template planes never created before! create a diferent instrumental with the piano based on gucci gang, notes of lil yatchy,create a new rap template inspired by your favorite artists etc...

To Have a great website we need great samples and songs, and that's work for the Volunteering mods.Mods will also have Special discounts in subscriptions or have it completely free depending on the quality of their pickings and sellections.

Each Map is made of different choices of settings, from background, to size of the balls and their meaning, maybe the balls can be symbols or custom made buttons for special backgrounds, or they can be interactive quality gifs that change when you listen to different sounds.And you can navigate trough them all with your scroll wheel!
You can listen to your favorite song lyrics or reckognize a favorite song at a disco and see all the relations you can jump from that song!
Each Song has different colors in it's wave frequency visualizer according to it's different SONG PARTS: the saucy part, or the chorus, or not so good parts, or good begginings for example(Intro
Pre-Chorus (Climb)
Instrumental or Solo
Ad lib