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Like you've never Breath before...


You do not have to have any experience with breathwork in order to participate in this Workshop. Holotropic Breathing is a powerful, transformational self-healing breathwork to access the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness through breath and music..” 

—  João Davintchi



      Up your energy.  Bringing air deeper down into the lungs will increase blood flow increasing         energy and improving stamina by improving lung function. The improved oxygen content of                the blood, which cleanses the body and all its cells of toxins, along with better                              circulation, better sleep, stress reduction, your body working more efficiently, and all                       that goes along with these naturally gives you lots more energy.

                  Deep Breathing makes you happier. Breathing deeply will increase the                                       neurochemical production in the brain and release more of the ones that elevate                        moods and control pain, like serotonin.

                  Eliminates free radicals. Yep, gone. Helping to remove toxins from the blood and                       body, improving cellular function and lifespan

              Deep Breathing helps to detoxify the body. Approximately 70 percent of the toxins in                our bodies are released through breathing.

       Carbon dioxide being one of the bigger culprits is produced through the body’s metabolic processes and needs to be expelled from the body regularly and consistently; it’s transferred from the blood to our lungs and we expel it with our breath.

       Stimulates the lymphatic system. We have twice the amount of lymphatic fluid in our

body as blood, and while our circulatory system relies on our heart, our lymphatic system relies

on our breathing. When our blood pumps oxygen and nutrients to the cells and they absorb what they need, they excrete their waste back out into the sea of lymphatic fluid that our cells constantly swim in. Breathing shallowly can lead to a sluggish lymphatic system which means inefficient detoxification.

    Deep Breathing makes you calmer. Breathing deeply is the fastest way to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, aka the relaxation response, which makes you feel relaxed. When we breathe shallowly, the body does not receive as much oxygen as it needs and causes our muscles to constrict. The sympathetic nervous system is triggered when we feel stress or anxiety and sends out spikes of cortisol and adrenaline. It is the parasympathetic nervous system which              counteracts this and breath is the fastest way for these two systems to communicate.                            Controlled breathing may be the most effective tool we have to prevent our brains from                keeping us in a state of stress, and preventing subsequent damage caused by high                       stress  levels.  

             Control your weight. It will reduce the stress hormone cortisol, which builds

       fat around  your mid-section.

       Attain new levels of consciousness:This state activates the natural inner

 healing process of the individual’s psyche, bringing the seeker a particular set

of internal experiences. With the inner healing intelligence guiding the process,

the quality and content brought forth is unique to each person and for that one

particular time and place.


Our space in Copenhaguen was specially chosen for the Workshop. You have plenty of space to lie down and to create after the breathing has taken an effect on the body.


I'm the founder of Tripitipi I've done Holotropic breathing workshops extensiverly for a 3 month period in Romania and I love extraordinary states of conciousness and attaining them trough Breathing and Pranayama!I've travelled around the World and was imensly influenced by Zoroastrian Mathmatical Magic, Vipassana, Rainbow Gathering, Mexican deserts, California,Redwoods, Burning Man and Music and Dance.    

Creative Director

João Dávintchi


Silas is one of the Sitters and members of Tripitipi, he as been in the darma way for quite some time and exudes calmness and peace, and it's here to take care of you while you go on your breath journey.He's a frutivore and a Sanyasin. 

Sitter, Sanyasin

Silas Johansen


I you would like  to get experience in Holotropic breathing our place is the Right one for you! Learn The ways of Holotropic Breathing and earn a tool for life!

Holotropic Sitters

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